Viktorya is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met. She is the most caring, sweet, kind, intelligent, and funny girl in the world. Viktorya has the cutest personality.
To date a viktorya is a one of a kind experience.
by Dwayne the rock heat November 9, 2019
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Is a quiet person who always threatens to punch people in the face. They are kind and athletic, will never let a bitch get in their way. Are a fashion icon and love the colors black and red. Love all animals and are very sensitive at times but still awesome. if you have a Viktorya you are very lucky
Wow bro get yourself a Viktorya their so cool!
by Fred edned February 10, 2021
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Viktorya has an absolute long schlong. They tend to go great with logans. Ex. Logan:How's America Viktorya:good but I'd rather live in England 7 months later they start dating Viktorya would literally die for Logan they would sacrifice anything to make logans happy
I love you Logan-Viktorya
by Viktorya<3 June 30, 2021
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