1. Behaving like a gambler, just putting your bets in and waiting for a hopefully good result or basically trying your luck.

2. Behaving nonchalantly or lackadaisically.
3. Having a happy-go-lucky attitude.
1. When Mikel Arteta put out the formation for yesterday's match it was all vibes and inshallah.
2. Back in school, I didn't do any homework or study, just vibes and inshallah all through.
3. He knows he shouldn't have blown out £20 million on all those useless things, he should have known it was going to be all vibes and inshallah.
by maver!q November 9, 2020
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1. A mantra for when you either:
- reach the point when you've tried your best and all you can do is pray and hope for the best
- decide that the situation is so dire or out of your control that all you can do is hope and pray for the best
- feel so tired or apathetic you decide you might as well wing it

2. An exclamation for when said tactics pulls you through a difficult situation.

3. A lifestyle abiding by said principle.
A: How are you so relaxed before the big game?
B: I'm a vibes and Inshallah merchant. You should try it sometime.

A: Pulled an all-nighter last night.
B: Oh yeah?
A: Yep. Not sure I remember much but it's vibes and Inshallah at this point.
B: God help us all.

Graduation this summer, baby! Vibes and Inshallah!!!
by chillydayswarmnights June 2, 2021
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