A greater comfort than I ever could imagine, my second home. a place with unique people who get along in the weirdest ways and an inseparable bond that nothing can replace something I always look forward to at the end of a long day or when I first wake up in the morning. nothing can beat how much I admire Vernon's server and how much I adore each and every person in it.
Person: what is Vernon's server?

Me: lol its something
by hansolps4 May 1, 2022
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Vernon server is a place that is very special to me… Vernons server is a fun and kind place where i met the best and most wonderful and most amazing people of my life. Vernons server is a place where i go to when i feel sad. Vernons server is a place where we make funny jokes and laugh all day. Vernons server is a place where we stay up all night. Vernons server is a place where i go to when im sad. Vernons Server is a place where you feel loved. Vernons server is a place where we dont even know what were talking about. Vernons server is a place i trust and love. Vernons server=love. Vernons server is a place where you can truly be happy and free.

Vernons server is home and home is Vernons server…

I <3 Vs
by I love vs :)) May 2, 2022
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