A vanshloggen loves to stay sober, he normally just goes home and goes to bed to avoid having fun. If you know him he loves Ford rangers, there built well so in case you hit black ice on your way to work you won't have an excuse to be late to work. If you take him to dinner be sure to just order him a plate of mustard only..... that's it, it's his favorite. He normally listens to most music that teenagers from 2001 might fuck to and he will be sure to label it "a duramax song". he will tell you that it's a duramax song whenever it comes on....everytime. in all being said,it comes down to that he's a really nice guy who just loves a good hug .
Bro it's duramax song vanshloggen bro
by Sendymcsendyface March 18, 2018
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