The highest form of house party fuck you like an upper Decker basically but instead it just shitting in the top tank oh someone's toilet you triple in that b****
like if you're talking to some chick at her birthday party and everything's going good like you about play that vagina like a harmonica then her boyfriend shows up then and she starts to diss you out and act like she don't know you that's grounds for automatic upper Triple Decker so you run down to the gas station and fill up on Slim Jims and exlax and go back to the party and drink everything in sight mix it all together and then go to the bathroom and let it rip
like if you're talking to some chick at her birthday party and everything's going good like you about play that vagina like a harmonica then her boyfriend shows up then and she starts to diss you out and act like she don't know you that's grounds for automatic upper Triple Decker so you run down to the gas station and fill up on Slim Jims and exlax and go back to the party and drink everything in sight mix it all together and then go to the bathroom and let it rip
by Simmens the strange June 9, 2018
The art of recieving a blowjob from a woman while she is shitting in the bowl of a toilet and you are taking a shit in the tank/cistern of the same toilet at the same time.
by vaaleainhoinen January 26, 2009