A disease in which a person has watched so much porn that nothing can arouse them anymore. Trong himself, does not have this disease. There has been only one reported case and oO FATALITI Oo is the diseased.
oO FATALITI Oo's got trongavitus!
by Trong Dude October 25, 2006
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Trongavitus, a word many-a-time used to discribe someone with mental problems, often been refered to as "a special case". Very, very bad at the popular video game of "Halo 2" also, often seen "Leg bumming" DizzyFalcon.
oO FATALITI Oo: Hey Trong, how are you.
Trongavitus: I want your penis in me!
oO FATALITI Oo: Errrm your a weirdo Trong!
*oO FATALITI Oo leaves*
Trongavitus: ....Lightbulbs!
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