1. Trolling out loud, a person who trolls outside of the internet.
Person 1: Hey guys, did you know that the swine flu is caused by illegal aliens coming across the border?
Person 2: That's completely unsubstantiated and false man
Person 1: Yeah but did you know that Obama plans to make our country a Islamic theocracy?
Person 2: *sigh*
Person 3: You just got TROLLOLED
by Samo652 May 4, 2009
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Trolling someone when they know they are being trolled and causing them to laugh.
by The Egyptian Sandman December 4, 2013
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A person who trolls, yet makes the person who he is trolling and others laugh
Person 1:"Lol ur such a noob"
Other people: "OMG Hilarious hahahhaha"
Other guy: "Lol what a trollol!!!"
by NOOBNEIN October 31, 2012
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