1. The study of the tricking phenomena with reference of origin, growth, reproduction, structure, and behavior of those imposing a trick and those on the receiving end of a trick.

2. The study of tricks used in a specific region.

3. trickological phenomena of an organism or a group of organisms performing tricks.
I earned a degree in Clowning; trickology was the single hardest class to pass to earn that degree! I couldn't figure out what the regions were of the different knock knock jokes that have been introduced over the past seventy-five years. Be prepared for some heavy duty studying in that class bozo.
by theDon! March 10, 2010
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the act of fooling the masses. saying one thing, but meaning another for ulterior purposes. propaganda, deceit
Perfect example: Bush's war on Iraq. Based upon lies to deceive the people into going to war. Later saying that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Bush used trickology.
by AbuMubarak May 24, 2009
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