timya is a person that has a very cold heart. she knows how to love people only if you treat her right. timya will act like a crazy bitch if you piss her off. timya can be freaky as hell to her boyfriend. she is very attractive. timya is also a pimp, so be careful about they way u treat her
by 9019 February 25, 2019
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Psyko social butterfly and loves guys with the letter C in thier name and can't sit still but hot and cool to chill with.
by Caleb Little July 20, 2014
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a crazy person (or animal) who will disappear if they have lost interest in what they are doing. this will happen often as they are usually noncommittal. if they do find something that they are interested in they will stay with it until it bores them - sometimes to the end of their life. timya is odd but popular with both girls and guys who will desperately try to win the heart of timya.
john was able to woo timya but im not sure how long timya will stay with john.
by isso69 December 22, 2019
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forcing yourself to regurgitate/throw up on ones dick/penis.
"I totally did a dirty timya on Johnathan last night"
by Johnathan Wilson May 13, 2020
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