Awesome school for those rich enough to attend. You'll feel out of place if your dad isn't a CEO or banker though.
Person 1 sees Person 2 sporting every kind of designer clothing/accessories possible.
Person 1: "Where do you go to school?"
Person 2: "The American School in London"
Person 1: "Explains a lot"
by cute22 November 21, 2012
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A shitty, yet hella expensive school full of rich bitches. Also known as "ASL"
"She's ugly, fake, rich, and bitchy... She must go to The American School in London.
by birdy93 October 23, 2015
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This school is in london and is not horrible. People pay around £20,000 and it is a great school with laptops and stuff. Some people are afraid of getting mugged because they're rich.

Also known as: ASL
British rudeboy: where you go to school mate?
ASL student: the american school in london
British rudeboy: lets mug em mates
(the student gets mugged)
british rudeboy: where you go to school mate?
ASL student: QK
British rudeboy: he is one of us
by Passmore December 2, 2006
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