An affair between two people that involves constant text messages on daily basis. This type of affair dose not involve sex between the two people. It may hover include talk or images of a sexual nature.
Steveo is jelous of the textaffair between his wife and close friend.
by Foda78 July 28, 2008
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text messages between two people who are constantly texting between each other. Although there is not physical relationship. The conversations do include talk and images of a sexual nature
Steveo is jealous of the textaffair between his wife and best friend
by Foda1178 July 31, 2008
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Having an affair via text message with another person.

I invented this phrase back in late 80's when mobiles 1st came out n my ex was having a textaffair with some girl.
Sarah: "hows it goin with your new fella?"

Claire "not good I think he's havin a textaffair, he keeps txting same woman but wont show me msgs"
by latinspirit September 8, 2008
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