Tenjing is an Asian soccer player who dates the most annoying chick in your school, but is an awesome person to hang out with. He's going grey at 17 but that's just because he's Asian. Tenjing is very in shape and is good at everything he does, he has a nice ass and works at the Italian restaurant down the street. He eats like garbage but is still in shape probably because he works out instead of sitting down doing nothing. He plays tennis but recently hasn't won any games. Heavy drug user, however his girlfriend can't stand it.
Thank fuck i'm not Asian I don't to be like Tenjing
by fagito May 20, 2019
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My faaaaaav boy ever!! DR TENJING. This guy saved a grape gum for me! My bestie 4 lyf. Thank you for subscribing to my “gf” channel. Like but don’t share! The non hesitant bewbie grabber of all times! The cute tt snore guy has all my heart <33 Please be subscribed forever. You’re the best I’ve ever had and manifesting always will! Your forever fly <3
tenjing CHEWnag is a stupid boy
by kkthefly September 26, 2023
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