Stogursey is a small village in Somerset west of Bridgwater. It is a shit hole nicknamed ‘inbredville’ because everyone living there is related. The people and families there are seriously messed up (think Jeremy Kyle) the adults know nothing about good parenting. The parents smoke, get pissed and swear in front of their children. It’s no wonder that the youth are illiterate scum that start smoking aged 9, get pregnant aged 11 and can’t walk past someone minding their own business without shouting abuse at them.

Stogursey is completely invisible to anyone living outside. There are several villages around the town Bridgwater e.g. cannington, combwhich, nether stowey. People living in Bridgwater have heard of all of these but for some reason not stogursey. Even people that should know better get it wrong, for example if a news crew wanted to find out local people’s views about the PowerStation hinkley point they mistake cannington as the nearest village.
Stogursey Kid: "Yeah your gay and you know it"

Passer by minding his own business: "Stop trying to be hard, you cocky little shit. your like 12."
by Ben Dover 63209 July 26, 2010
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