The cult like following of @chunkysdead.
A:Did the step chickens attack you again?
B:Yeah I said something about their leader!
by cuminthebible May 10, 2020
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the most elite tiktok cult, created by someone named melissa with the username @chunkysdead, better than any other tiktok cult
by potnoodlebitch May 18, 2020
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Step Chickens is a very dangerous cult, and should be feared. You either join or get destroyed. It started on TikTok, and is now spreading to other platforms. We WILL take over the world, so become a Step Chicken now. Go to Chunkysdead on TikTok. Become part of the revolution, part of the new world...or die.
I am part of the most powerful internet cult, known as the Step Chickens.
by SoggyPomegranate May 13, 2020
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The true embodiment of power, they’re known as beings who can defy the word of god
Person 1:I refuse to join the step chickens
Leader:Then become the dirt we walk on.
by Merkle.1004 May 13, 2020
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the cult like following of @chunkysdead who is out muder hen. soon to be the most powerful cult on tiktok.
sara: have you heard of the step chickens
brad: yeahhh aren’t they abt to be the most powerful cult on tiktok
sara: yeah that’s what i heard i gonna join before its too late
brad: yeah same
by stepchicken4life May 13, 2020
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The most powerful cult ever with our leader chunkysdead on tiktok eventually we will take over all the platforms and even the world as a true step chicken who watched chunkysdead since November of 2019 i can say us step chickens will rule and if you wonder who this step chicken is im suckdannydevitosnipples on tiktok STEP CHICKENS WILL RISE
Step chickens will rule the world... Step chickens are the best cult
by Step chicken May 14, 2020
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