Kiss given by Blue the dog, and only Blue the dog.
Ewwwww, Blue gave me a french smizzle
by Btotheizzle August 25, 2007
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this means quite literally to smoke the weeed man. usually used in a kinda way that only pot heads look forward to sayin. hey any chance to smizzle the wizle is a great chance for anyone.
yoooooo u wanna....smizzle the wizzle and get fumando!!!
by PISAN December 2, 2004
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Smizzle duty is one's obligation to undertake while having a smoke. It usually requires one to be smoking at the time. While smoking, the person should have all their senses tuned for any goings on nearby and should usually only stand guard in one pre-determined area. If something is amiss the person on smizzle duty should proceed to report his or her findings to anyone that cares. If nothing eventful happens, the person on smizzle duty should make a summarised report to no-one in paticualar, though this is optional.
Person 1: "Let's go out for smizzle duty"
Person 2: "Nigga whaaat?"
by Todd Burnquist August 15, 2004
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To be in a state of inebriation, as a result of marijuana or alcohol (in many cases both) consumption.
Dawg, I was soooooo smizzle snazzled last night I ate Eddy's entire birthday cake.
by Firin' squad December 13, 2010
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