This is when a female goes on an excessive sex spree so fast it’s like she’s running thru partners like one runs through mile markers in a marathon. It can also be referred to as a joke when a friend is too buy running through men like a marathon to see their friends. It can be used in conjunction with a year town or county.

A competition between friends to see how many men’s lives they can ruin by sleeping with them and moving to the next.

One can be on a slutathon when they have multiple consecutive or concurrent sexual partners.
“Have you heard from Ashley? “
“No she’s been too busy winning the slutathon Chenango County award for most partners of the decade.

Anika is is the slutathon champion of Wisconsin successfully stealing men using her baby daddy’s house when they have no where else to go. Then she accuses them of falsely beating her. She is still on a slutathon still screwing her baby daddy and playing victim to him and her other boyfriend.
by MaxieCurtis December 24, 2020
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