Oilfield equivalent of a military dependapotomus. Originally referred to the wives of men who worked the North Slope production field around Prudhoe Bay. Sits home alone 16 days a month with nothing to do but spend money, flirt at the bar, and project a huge entitlement vibe anywhere they go physically (see “Karen”) or online (see “Lisa”).

Almost always associated with alt-right extremism, fascism, and often found simping for authoritarianism. Likely to be found making claims of being a “patriot” while at the same time regurgitating the same lame pro-russian talking points doled-out by right wing extremist pundits on cable TV
That chick has got to be a slope-widow: she’s online in the middle of the day, in the middle of the week, posting like she’s drunk, trying to talk smack to a bunch of cartoon dogs, complaining about US tax dollars going to Ukraine. Clearly she’s got no job, seems pretty popular with all the male “maga patriots” who fit the profile of being oilfield adjacent, alt-right extremists / maga militants themselves.
“She’s a Lisa… You see that diamond on her finger the size of a doorknob? Drinking at the bar alone at 2pm? She’s a slope widow.”
by AN00B135 March 3, 2023
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Oilfield equivalent of a military dependapotomus. Originally referred to the wives of men who worked the North Slope production field around Prudhoe Bay. Sits home alone 16 days a month with nothing to do but spend money, flirt at the bar, and project a huge entitlement vibe anywhere they go physically (see “Karen”) or online (see “Lisa”).

Almost always associated with alt-right extremism, fascism, and often found simping for authoritarianism. Likely to be found making claims of being a “patriot” while at the same time regurgitating the same lame pro-russian talking points doled-out by right wing extremist pundits on cable TV
That chick has got to be a slope-widow: she’s online in the middle of the day, in the middle of the week, posting like she’s drunk, trying to talk smack to a bunch of cartoon dogs, complaining about US tax dollars going to Ukraine. Clearly she’s got no job, seems pretty popular with all the male “maga patriots” who fit the profile of being oilfield adjacent, alt-right extremists / maga militants themselves.
“She’s a Lisa… You see that diamond on her finger the size of a doorknob? Drinking at the bar alone at 2pm? She’s a slope widow.”
by AN00B135 March 3, 2023
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