Shmerp is a verb/noun/adjective/adverb/ and can take the place of any word in the English Language.
“I totally Shmerped that guys computer screen!”
"Shut the Shmerp up!!!"
by speed44558800 October 9, 2014
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1. An ambiguous identifier used as a variable, akin to mathematics, in which any word can be inserted provided it keeps grammatical commandment. Typically the user has a specific word in mind that was purposely omitted.

see thingy, thing.

2. Used as a filler word akin to "like", "um", et cetera.

other spellings: herpnshmerp, herp-n-shmerp.
1. "Pass the herpinshermp, please?"

2. "Could you pass the herp 'n' shmerp ketchup, please?"
by lordcheesness May 15, 2013
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