Rutilio is one of a kind. He might come off as shy and serious in the beginning, but as soon as you crack him iut of his shell, you won't even be able to talk to him seriously because hes too goofy. He's loyal, patient, kind. He's the time of man that makes you fall in love with him every day by just simply being there with you. But rutilios tend to be easy to tick off, once you get on his last nerve there's no going back. But will forget what you did really quick and go back to treating you like a best friend. This man won't ever fail you, he might not show it all the time with his words. But his actions speak louder than words. This man isint easy to find, so don't let him go.
"He looked so serious, but when i got to know him he was the most goofy unserious man ever!"
"What's his name?"


"that explains it!"
by Anonymous_1977 November 23, 2021
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