A mentally incapacitated gentleman who lacks all social capabilities and is devoid of any positive physical and spiritual attributes. Most likely unable to read this very text and struggles to count to 10 due to his intense dyslexia (and verbal dyspraxia).

He's not really much of a gentleman but it will be kept there out of pity. I think we're being a bit too harsh on him. He's a very talented young man who boasts a lot about his mental capacity. About how non-existent it is, of course. He should be a detective with that self awareness. What a lad.

His mental stability is currently diminishing and plays Overwatch to attempt to cure his AIDS. This creature can normally be found hibernating near McDonald's during school breaks with an apple pie being shoved down his throat. He was also forcibly removed of a quid. A truly despicable robbery. He's a very brave warrior, except for bridges. He struggles to contain his fear of heights and was unable to join in the fun of running down a bridge at a 45 degree angle. He actually clenched onto a fucking pole. What a pussy.

overall mad guy doe, 9/11
Guy #1: Hey how'd you do on your maths exam?
Guy #2: I got a grade 4 man
Guy #1: Oh you pulled a rokass
by Kenchixx October 9, 2018
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