Energy drink for people that need gratuitous amounts of energy!
SPORTS you'll be good at them!!
With all new flavors like SHOCKLATE!! Chocolate energy!! Its like adding chocolate to an ELECTRICAL STORM!!
If you like Strawberry...How about RAWBERRY!!!
Made with lightning!! REAL LIGHTNING!!!!!!
You'll have energy running all the time!!
Power lifting, power sleeping, power dating, power spawning babies!!! You will have soo many babies! 400 babies!!!! Then you feed Shocklate to your babies and they'll become good at SPORTS!!
And they'll run ABNORMALLY FAST!
They'll compete against Kenyans, they'll run as fast as Kenyans, they'll run past people that think they're Kenyans, then there'll be a tie and they'll be deported back to KENYA!!!
You'll be moving soo fast mother nature will be like SlOw DoWn! And you'll be like FUCK YOU and kick her in the face with your ENERGY LEGS!!!
Be smart don't gamble on your energy.
SPORTS you'll be good at them!!
With all new flavors like SHOCKLATE!! Chocolate energy!! Its like adding chocolate to an ELECTRICAL STORM!!
If you like Strawberry...How about RAWBERRY!!!
Made with lightning!! REAL LIGHTNING!!!!!!
You'll have energy running all the time!!
Power lifting, power sleeping, power dating, power spawning babies!!! You will have soo many babies! 400 babies!!!! Then you feed Shocklate to your babies and they'll become good at SPORTS!!
And they'll run ABNORMALLY FAST!
They'll compete against Kenyans, they'll run as fast as Kenyans, they'll run past people that think they're Kenyans, then there'll be a tie and they'll be deported back to KENYA!!!
You'll be moving soo fast mother nature will be like SlOw DoWn! And you'll be like FUCK YOU and kick her in the face with your ENERGY LEGS!!!
Be smart don't gamble on your energy.
by Andrew Da SIlva June 21, 2007
by Barefoot Yoshi December 7, 2007
An extremely powerful energy drink that will:
Let you shoot at clouds
Dead Jesus Rodeo
Gives you birds, turning you into a bird man
Boy+Powerthirst= Man
Man+Powerthirst= Manmanman
Pregnant woman+Powerthirst=Holy shit!
Turn people with Down syndrome into energetic people with Down syndrome (a very slight adjustment)
Man+Tshirt= Manateeshirt
Rabies+Rabies= RABIES
2 units of Hydrogen+1 unit of oxygen+Sperm of Zeus= Powerthirst (with sperm)
Fist+Fist= Doublefist
Merry Fistmas!
And lastly, you will vomit a wedding.
Let you shoot at clouds
Dead Jesus Rodeo
Gives you birds, turning you into a bird man
Boy+Powerthirst= Man
Man+Powerthirst= Manmanman
Pregnant woman+Powerthirst=Holy shit!
Turn people with Down syndrome into energetic people with Down syndrome (a very slight adjustment)
Man+Tshirt= Manateeshirt
Rabies+Rabies= RABIES
2 units of Hydrogen+1 unit of oxygen+Sperm of Zeus= Powerthirst (with sperm)
Fist+Fist= Doublefist
Merry Fistmas!
And lastly, you will vomit a wedding.
by JG Plisken May 5, 2010
babies youll have 400 babies
by XxWITExX August 10, 2008
It's like crystal meth in a can!
It's crystal meth in a can!
Warning: may contain Anna Kournikova.
It's crystal meth in a can!
Warning: may contain Anna Kournikova.
by Scintilla August 20, 2008
The ultimate energy drink! Gives you so much energy, man power and speed! You'll be so fast mother nature will be like... "S-L-O-W D-O-W-N" and you'll be like "FUCK YOU" and kick her in the face with your ENERGY LEGS!
"Man, I'm racing in the olympics against some kenyans tomorrow, better drink some powerthirst so I can kick their asses"
by 69winkies January 10, 2008
When god hands you lemons you find a new god! Godberry, KING OF THE JUICE! Drink powerthirst and you'll have so many babies! 400 babies!
Powerthirst is crystal meth!
by uhgiutjgklt4r February 15, 2009