A podcast that after a while becomes less and less frequently updated and then blinks out altogether. Alternately a podcast that is going strong and suddenly stops.
The phenomenon has earned its own label, "podfading," coined by podcaster Scott Fletcher in February 2005 when he gave up on two podcasts of his own. -from Wired News By Steve Friess Feb, 07, 2006
by Charles Hodgson February 17, 2006
When a podcast begins putting out episodes more and more sporadically and at greater intervals. Typically begins with only one episode missed, but if a podcast isn't careful, it can compound, sometimes as severe as one podcast every other month. Podfade often leads to podcast death.
Many podcasts deny their podfade until it is too late.
Many podcasts deny their podfade until it is too late.
by |MC| July 30, 2008