Yeah, you must be pretty bored if you've typed this. To type it, start from "P" and type every other letter going backwards and between rows.
*Dave types "qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp" into his keyboard."
Jonah: Dave, are you bored again? Why not type piyrwljgdanvx?
by g4l4xy June 19, 2018
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you just entered every letter on the qwerty keyboard from high to low from right to left skipping 1 letter in between

you're pretty far down the path buddy
then again i'm writing this for like 2 people a year while i should be doing something else

by all means go on just be sure to add a definition for each combination that doesn't have one yet

"piyrwljgdanvx" because it has to be included
by Pizzahunter7 September 9, 2017
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