1_( fluent ) In a poetic intimacy with someone

2_ ( France West Coast )

a. On the beach besides the pinetrees'moors
b. metaphor Summertime flirting

3_ ( English Litterature ) also written "on the pin'side" or "on the pinside"
a. In a posh intimacy with someone form the upperclass
b. On that special moment when you carefully take off a pin from a shirt, in a gentle way

c. On the edge between stealing and joking : when you take away the pin from a wall, smiling to the run that comes

d. Risquing to be hurt, by the spine, the pine or a slap
I met her in Contis, France, at the bar Chez Dan.
She was some kind of « been-through-this », a Bad and Cute Brokenhearted Girl : she had no flake to fake.

We went straight on the pineside.

by Showl_ September 7, 2019
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