v. A strange phenomena that usually occurs late at night when you are surfing the web. You are very tired or in an altered state of mind and feeling very zen, meditative. As you surf, you find yourself pondering deep questions about yourself, life, other people, and the world around you; you search for answers; use the internet to search your soul
Last night I was really, really tired and on the internet... I had this wicked philosurfing session.

I found out why I am depressed... then stared at hundreds of random pictures and pondered who created them; what they mean in a different person's eyes. What do they mean to me? I took 23 quizzes that made me realize things about me that I never even realized. I laughed; I cried. Then, when I eventually slumped off to bed, heart racing fast and unable to sleep, I realized I had just gone to another realm of reality. No drugs attached.

I searched the web as I searched myself, man
by ichigodesuka September 13, 2009
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