Term orginates from Southern African countries, such as Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Malawi and South Africa, where the term refers to any male.
That ouen of there is an outright bastard!
by Gonzy01 October 15, 2004
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Desolate waste land. In which is occupied by farmers and other folk who dont wash.
"Cor blimey! ive been down St Ouens now im off to market"
"You fucking St Ouennie"
by Craig + Steve October 10, 2003
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Common keyword to designate a big nintendo smash party, usually during two or three day.
_Saint-Ouen next week ?

_ can't wait to go Saint-Ouen

_ Saint-Ouen and chill ?
by CpasIsaac June 19, 2019
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