when someone is so awesome that the word itself does not reflect the true awesomeness inhibited in that one awesome human being... they are known as the OARSHOME

O - outstanding
A - amazing
R - remarkable
S - super
H - heavenly
O - Out of this world
M - mesmerizing
E - exquisite
Bill: Molly, have you put the kettle on?
Molly: No sorry honey, thats Polly's job
Bill: Oh yeah... ha ha cool... you are so awesome you can only be oarshome:)

to me you are oarshome... xx
by waveandflop June 7, 2010
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when someone is so awesome that the word itself does not reflect the true awesomeness exhibited by that one awesome human being... they are known as the OARSHOME

O - outstanding

A - amazing

R - remarkable

S - super

H - heavenly

O - Out of this world

M - mesmerizing

E - exquisite
Bill: Molly, have you put the kettle on?

Molly: No sorry honey, thats Polly's job

Bill: Oh yeah... ha ha cool... you are so awesome you can only be oarshome:)

to me you are oarshome... xx
by waveandflop. June 7, 2010
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