
short for ‘no words needed’
Could be positive/negative
X:whatcya thoughts on concert last night
Y: man.. lit af nwn
by element333 October 29, 2019
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NWN = no wipe needed
When you crap and dont have to wipe

For NOOBS: nwn allows u to take one wipe to make sure there is no residual leftovers

for PROS: a true nwn takes skill. using your accquired 'spidy senses' u can tell if its nwn or not. beware, skidmarks are in store for noobs that try to be pro!
"i just took a massive crap"
"was it nwn?"
"of course, smooth as silk"
by BPoo January 29, 2006
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nwn = no wipe needed

NWN occurs when you take a crap and you dont have to wipe.

FOr noobs: 'no wipe needed' means you take one wipe to make sure there is no residual you-kno-what left.

FOr pros: 'no wipe needed' means that you can tell if you need to wipe or not. You have developed a sort of 'spidy sense' for this.
"hey man, i just took a huge crap"
"really? was it nwn?"
"of course, smooth as silk"
by Bpoon January 29, 2006
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Shorthand for the game Neverwinter Nights. A great ORPG or Online Role Playing Game. While made many years ago it is still played by many people around the world.
Guy - Imma go play NWN.
Other - You play that ALL the time.
Guy - You would to if you had DSL!
by defaultchoice April 11, 2005
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