a dangerous combination off a hood on the street and a japaneese terror to all mand kind; absolutely the scariest beings on the planet

first known ninja gansta: rahbecca willette
by the 2nd ninja gangster November 22, 2009
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In other words, Stefanie and Katherine. Two amazing, beautiful, smart, and sexy girls. That everyone wishes they were.
A: I'm going to try to be an Epic Ninja Gangsta.
B: Good luck, only Stefanie and Katherine can pull that off.
by KittyKat7 October 21, 2010
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one who is a pirate, a gangsta, AND ninja, all in one.
originally formed by Pirate Kelsey & Pirate Laura when they had a fight and Pirate laura joined with the ninjas - therefor becoming Ninja Laura.
peter piper couldn't choose, so he became a gangsta.
then they all became friends again and formed the Pirate Gangsta Ninjas.

yeah, bitch.
Pirate Kelsey: i hate you! you cant be a pirate anymore!!Pirate Laura: i hate you too!, FINE!
*pirate laura becomes ninja laura*
Ninja laura: yeah bitch now i'm a ninja!!
*peter piper becomes gangsta*

-- some time later --

Pirate Kelsey: can we be friends again?
Ninja laura: YES!!
peter piper: YAY!!!!!

*they form the pirate gangsta ninja team*
by Pirate Lauraa August 18, 2006
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