Ngozi is an African name meaning blessing or God's blessing. Ngozis are smart,simple,artistic and loving people with big hearts even if they try to hide it. They have the brightest smile and the loudest laughs,most of the time they need moral support because they tend to be sad most of the time. They mostly care about they're friends and family, but they're word revolve around art and poetry in order to express themselves they are daring and beautiful in and out and they are loyal at heart,they are the best friends you could ever have. They are bold and like freedom even if they can be lazy, your typical Ngozi is a pizza loving,movie watching and video game playing sweetheart who wouldn't want to be distubbed or told what to do all the time. Ngozis also like comfort and luxury and most of the time they can be very athletic. They are smart people who shouldn't be taken for granted because they can be dangerous if taken for granted.
Girl: Dang!!! Who is she???
Boy: Oh well that's Ngozi she's totally awesome and a really great friend
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Ngozi - Only like... the most AMAZEBALLS person in the entire universe... second to a Trent by definition. "My little ponies" stare in envy of her illustrious curly hair. Her eyes shoot beams of sun light and she smells of happiness and freedom. Consider yourself lucky if you find yourself in the presence of a Ngozi.
"Omgoodness do you smell that? that's the smell of Ngozi... The smell of freedom".
by Fancy People April 13, 2012
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