n. A female appearing of wide eyes and black hair. Often seen wearing a sweater. Can also be seen wielding a knife of some sort. Is also known for having a curvy body and nicely sized breasts

*Also owns a cat suit*

n. The most underrated mod in the FNF fandom to not receive fan service.
Ex.1-(Person 1)"Hey you know that game Friday Night Funkin'?"

(Person 2) "Oh yeah I love that game!"

(Person 1) "Got a favorite mod?"

(Person 2) "Aw yeah! I love the nekofreak mod!"

(Person 1) "Hm Cool. A little strange, but cool"

Ex. 2

"My name is Lia, but I also go by 'nekofreak'"
by Trinity_Star04 July 15, 2022
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