An n00bsicle, Like a n00b, Newb, Newbie is someone who is less skilled than yourself.
It can also be used to describe someone who behaved immaturely, either in real life, or on the internet.
It can also be used to describe someone who behaved immaturely, either in real life, or on the internet.
Example 1 - A person is able to shoot 5 bulls eyes in a row, the next person does not shoot any, they are a n00bsicle as you just owned them
Example 2 - You are playing Battlefield 2, someone runs in front of your plane to affect your score, They become a n00bsicle
Example 2 - You are playing Battlefield 2, someone runs in front of your plane to affect your score, They become a n00bsicle
by Jason Gunn July 2, 2006