1. Japanese derived (むにょりん):(Noun) Cheeks that are squeezable and soft to the touch.

2. (Verb): the act of rubbing one's face on anything soft and squeezable. Derived for the pleasure of rubbing on soft objects.

3. (Adjective): Anything that is soft and squeezable. Able to derive pleasure from the soft and squeezable-ness.
1a. "Munyorin! I haven't seen you in forever!"
1b. Kenn, your cheeks look so soft and squeezable. That's my munyorin!

2a. "Come over here, lets munyorin together".
2b. I munyorin on your butt....fu-fu-fu

3. Baby, you have such munyorin butt. I just want to poke it.
by ckruvhotel March 28, 2010
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