To /kill or /kick a person due to TEXT (ON THE INTERNET).
<Bender> !yiff MrStonedOne
* Bender was kicked by coffeebot (Use of That Command On That Nick Not Allowed)
<Fry> You just got MSO'd!
by SquareMoogle May 25, 2007
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Msos means something like sad, or depressed, but worse. It also has a plural for a group of msos people,
Mso is plural.

I hope your not Msos! *.*’’
Mso: “Look at those Mso!”

Msos: “Oh, _____! so msos today...”
by Id0ntkn0wl0l April 23, 2021
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“Most slept onused by underrated athletes
Nah I’m really Mso people don’t know about me yet
by Mr.Lit-tea October 21, 2020
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Me: Look at him right there he is Mso

My friend: what does that mean
Me: he is most slept on, he isn’t noticed how he should be which means he’s slept on
by April 27, 2022
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