Muslim(s). Most often used to describe Muslims who live in the West Philadelphia inner city. Are most often black and can be male or female. Mookmeen is a type of americanized Muslim that differs vastly from Muslims of other countries. They are often steeped in black pop culture and therefore can be very "ghetto" and "hood" all while wearing a kufi or a berqa (with a cell phone tucked inside the veil for hands-free ease of use without splurging on bluetooth) Mookmeen can be plural or singular
"See that girl in the berqa on the corner? The one trash-talking her baby daddy? She's mookmeen."
"See that mookmeen selling oils on the Broad Street line? The one wearing traditional Muslim clothing over Hollister jeans?"
"There sure are a lot of mookmeen around Landsdowne Ave!"
by Daisy Balloons January 22, 2012
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