A mitlit is a roblox kid who likes child porn. Mitlits can also be furries who like little kids. Calling people is a way to show your hate towards them.

you should try to never be a mitlit.
aids man: man i hate benji.
dan: man, benji is such mitlit.
aid man: damn right he is.
by kingdom of bap July 17, 2023
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A mitlit is a roblox kid who likes child porn. Mitlits can also be furries who like little kids. Calling people is a way to show your hate towards them. Mitlits like to online date on game like roblox and minecraft. Most mitlits are virgin and will never touch a women. Most mitlits have job as discord mods and reddit mods.

you should try to never be a mitlit.
aids man: man i hate benji.
dan: man, benji is such mitlit.
aid man: damn right he is.
by kingdom of bap July 17, 2023
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Mitlit is a word used to describe someone who is obsessed with child pornography and kidnaps children to pleasure themselves. People use this word to make it sound more acceptable in public.
That guy was arrested for being a mitlit.
by Bwop July 17, 2023
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