Often referred to as "The Miscrap", This is the mishap of craps, and happens when you get the feeling that you sort of have to take a shit but not really and your mind tricks you into walking to the bathroom to sit on the toilet only to find yourself struggling to take a shit when you really don't have to, which unfortunately leads to never taking a shit, and therefor there is no need to wipe your ass. the most important act about the miscrap is when you finally get up and feel the stupidity of trying to take a shit for that useless five minutes, you have to think or say to yourself "Damn, i just had a miscrap."
Victim- "Hey guys, hold on a sec, I think i might have to shit before we go."

Guys-"Alright man, get that shit out the way before we hit the road."

Five minutes later......

Guys-"Hey, how was your shit, did it feel good?"

Victim-"Nahhh, False alarm, I had a miscrap."

Guys-"Ughhhhh, THE MISCRAP"
by Draggggs April 19, 2011
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