A Chinese pool of websites ranging from clever cracks to download this virus.jar these sites are use to bait "Fat Americans" into downloading the fake version of Minecraft so that the Chinese government can rat the victims pc and make them buy it back as ransom ware. These sites were commonly visited by poor 2b2t enthusiast's who wanted to join in on the fun ending up having to pay $600 usd for the ransom ware. Here is the list of :barbapack , phobos , hause
Wow what a great minecraft.crack you got there.
by aleck-2b2t December 15, 2020
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minecraft.crack is range of fake mincraft sites ranging from clever cracks.com to download this virus .jar. These sites were created by the Chinese government to ip log rat and eventually doxx and hold the victims pc's as ransome ware. The "fat amercian" then proceeds to download this fake software and get rated, doxxed, ddosed and loses access to his own pc then copes about it to his parents while the chinese government sells his info on the dark net for 100k yen. Common victims hausemaster, phobos, barbapack.zip
Wow what a great minecraft.crack you got there bud
by aleck-2b2t December 15, 2020
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