Mikket is a strong guy, on the outside he seem like he dont care at all but deep within, he is a very compassionate man, a man which has a big heart especially to those who are close to him. He is a man of a few words when it comes to serious matter, and is only talkative to the people who has a special place in his heart. He is a very hard-working man which sometimes leads to stressing himself due to selflessness, he watches his words when making a discussion with others especially when there is tension, carries responsibilities even if it is not his. Though sometimes his acts of selflessness puts his emotions aside, which impairs his holistic approach when dealing with emotions matter, in time, he understands what should he do and acts upon it. Mikket is truly a wonderful man, even if he does not see it sometimes. He is a man filled with dreams and love.
Mikket is probably pretty busy right now, but gone pass this link on facebook and decided to check his name's meaning.
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