A word that uses "meta" as (separate) prefix to emphasize the sovereignty over any other comparative. On a scale from 1 to 10, it wouldnt fit on the scale, one could say it would sit at 11.
Substantives(nouns), adjectives and verbs become metadicts once they use the prefix for the reason above. However the state of being a metadict is additional, they still are whatever they used to be, too.
1. "This movie is meta bad." - Meta bad or metabad becomes the metadict.
This means, that this movie is not just the worst, it is so bad, that it isnt even on the scale that measures the badness.

2. "Im going meta eating." - Meta eating or metaeating becomes the metadict.
Translates to, eating so much as physically and or psychologically possible.

3. "You are a meta idiot." - Meta idiot or metaidiot becomes the metadict.
Basically insults a person as someone with every fibre of existence being idiotic.
by uZ Cr4zy November 24, 2021
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