a incredible famous youtuber, kick streamer and tiktok celebrity
"i just watched the new maskyboy video, it was fire"
by HBmaskyfan July 8, 2023
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Maskyboy is a comedic youtuber, tiktok and general social media influencer known for their focus on velocity edits, shitposts, art challenges and Minecraft streams with a common guest of Tupac Shakur.

Maskyboy is often known to be the greatest youtuber of all time, as well as the most powerful character in fiction, whether either of these are true is debatable.
1920's guy: "Have you viewed that spiffing-good chap Maskyboy? I say, quite a talented fellow indeed!"

Delusional person: "Why, i'd say he's rather ghastly"

1920's guy: "Well, my good sir, have you considered going off and fucking yourself?"
by Maskyboylover July 11, 2023
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