When you get too emotional or attached to a specific game,
when loosing the game would result in loosing any sense of self control.
Bermula dengan man nak penampaq muiz sebab dier sepak hub..

Man:"Kiimaak,ko buat lagi sekali aku penampar muka kau"

Muiz:buat muka sedih :(

Amar:"Pehal ko nih?Main game pun nak mantong sangat ker?
Aku getah kang sat lagi!"
by ImaHappyKlown October 18, 2007
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dizziness or stoned because of fags or alcohol
one day,romero saw saleem walks unproperly on the 2nd floor before entering Datuk's house and rubbing his dick eh his fuckin black head.

romero:weyh apa hal hang ni saleem?
saleem:aku mantong maa
romero:cmna bleyh mantong?
saleem:aku overdose shisha
romero:wahahaha(panggil budak ramai2 kutuk saleem)

however,saleem is not the real faggot.lol
by kaospilot January 4, 2008
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person who get drunk or high because of fags or alcohol
(tiger beer la contoh).or wut we called it,lalok or tingtong or xaxau
one day,me,romero,ammar,and dato k saw salim walks unproperly.and he also always rubbing his fucking black head.

romero:oi salim apa kena ang ni.terencat ka
salim:atoii..bukanla.aku mantong la.(nak nangis)
ammar:lol.apsal plak dah?
salim:aku overdose shitsha la
datok k:hihi.tu la aku dah ckp,sepam dua sudey.haa kan?
salim:aku sanggap dowh.tu psl aku isap smpai abes satu
balang shisha.ergh
ramai2:wakakaka gila btoi(disambung dgn kutukan,cacimakian)
salim:waaaa...atoii...cmni la korang..sdeyh tol
ramai2:hoho xD

pity salim.but he's white.i mean..real "white"
hehe sory salim =D
by kaospilot January 9, 2008
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