An emperor penguin currently found in the Artic Regions. Frosty Frosty

or b) As popularised in the Song: "Maitry the G''
c) A girl who trips over her academic tutor's laptop cable despite being 5 feet away and laughing at her friend - Karma.

d) A girl who is a G and can sneak an entire large bottle of vodka into a club.
e) A girl who remained calm whilst others panicked when stuck in a lift for over two hours.
The song ( need to be drunk and preferable sung to someone who is called Maitry, they will not thank you) "Maitry Maitry,never before have i seen such a G as MAITRY MAITRY.
by TheMYTH,the Legend December 15, 2017
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The diamond in the rough. The best kept secret. The friend that leaves you wanting more, more, MORE!!

Maitri is the type of girl that opens up to you once you get to know her. Her moxy exterior protects the real side of her: a comedic, loving, heartfelt and dedicated woman who shelters her beauty.
"Man, that girl Maitri really makes my baby shark going!!"
by passionfruit February 23, 2010
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