Mackylas are really smart at math.Most girls can answer 5x8=40 but,Mackylas are really unique they can answer lots of math problems.I have to admit they can be sometimes loud and hyper, but trust me if you have a mackyla in your life dont loose her.Cause everytime your sad she'll ty to make you laugh.Also their alitrke sensitive physically and mentally.But they will support you all the way.They're also known for their great sportsmanship.Mackylas never lie even if they try its already ovious,cause their pure and sexy sarcastic but sweet.Sometimes they can get alittle crazy,they always speak the truth.They are really really helpful even if their busy she will always have time for people ineed.
Justin:(I dont get this!?)
Mackyla:Need some help?
Justin:Thanks now I understand perfectly.
by McCallaster September 29, 2017
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