The lowest level of programming language known in computer science. Rarely used due to its intense complexity and incredibly vast array of instructions available. The basemost language understood by most computers and CPU's. Only computer programming gods know this intense language.
Wanna learn machine language? You better study computer mathematics and CPU/Memory architecture first.
Wanna learn machine language? You better study computer mathematics and CPU/Memory architecture first.
6 5 5 5 5 6 bits
op | rs | rt | rd |shamt| funct R-type
op | rs | rt | address/immediate I-type
op | target address J-type
machine language is cruel, but the ultimate weapon when developing software.
op | rs | rt | rd |shamt| funct R-type
op | rs | rt | address/immediate I-type
op | target address J-type
machine language is cruel, but the ultimate weapon when developing software.
by Rale May 13, 2008