The Blockchain of the future, the Metaverse and Web3, they have been building something beyond any other in the space. But they don't care about marketing to investors. they arent faking it or going for hype, only building the best technology.

So unfortunately currently (and since they started) virtually no one seems to really understand or have much clue of what the hell they are building.

Founded by Fabian Vogelsteller the Ethereum Dev/ creator (guy who proposed) ERC20, Web3.0, did a bunch of amazing things in the space. and now is making the next version, making it easier and better for everyone.

Truly next level stuff. Just no one understands it yet.
X: Yooo Luksorians Did you get in on that huge LUKSO whale dump while Bitcoin pumped?

Y: I bought, and now I'm crying and complaining while waiting for it to do something for months
Z: *pokes it with a stick*
Troll: fuckso!
X: HODL + patience to 4 digits bros
by CryptoFalafel November 17, 2021
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