The act when a person on the political left speaks over your point or a nuanced distinction you are trying to make, in order to inform you of “the correct” (and ostensibly only) way to model an opinion on an issue - according to the church of social justice.

When a social justice activist corrects another liberal’s attempt to critically think through an issue, or apply data, evidence and reason to come to a thoughtful conclusion (that doesn’t see all issues in binary, dogmatic terms) - by condescendingly informing them of the correct way to automate any conclusions on this matter in order to signal allyship.
“When I mentioned that I had seen pretty comprehensive data from numerous, reliable sources showing that the problem was not as far-reaching as constant media coverage seemed to suggest, Amber completely ignored my point and started leftsplaining how questioning *any* statements made by PoC only helps to reinforce the cisheteropatriarchy, and shouldn’t be entertained by anyone who is a good LGBTQ ally.”
by ChloeR July 13, 2018
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