Obese people that could walk but choose to drive those electric scooter cart things that are meant for actual handicapped people while shopping, though if they are fat and prove their lazyness through other means they could also be labeled a lazy fatty.
Someone that fits the definition of lazy fatty might shop at a Super Wal-Mart while riding in a scooter thing, eating McDonalds food purchased on the premesis, and asking an associate to take items off the shelf instead of making the effort to reach over to get the items themselves, all at the same time.

Did you see that guy? He was such a lazy fatty.
by Gorf959 July 3, 2006
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Obese people with little ambition and usually permanent food stains on their clothing.
Jabba the Hutt is the most famous lazy fatty evar!!1
by ceck0face July 5, 2006
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A big fat spliff of weed to smoke!
You wanna roll a lazy fatty and chill out?
by Mlissa82 July 6, 2006
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