There are many ways to spell krissandra. People often spell it like Cassandra, Kassandra , krisandra , crisandra rtf. Krissandra’s have 10 letters in their name so already you can just tell that they are unique. Krissandra’s are different . They don’t like being the same as other people they love doing things different and standing out from the crowd. Sometimes krissandra’s can shorten their name to kriss, krissy etc because their name is long. Krissandra’s are funny , loyal , fun and caring. They are the always the ones to joke around and make people laugh. They have got really thick skin but if you take all them layers of you get a shy bitch.
*everyones is laughing*

“That’s defo a krissandra

“Of course” “she’s funny🤣”
by Yourdadsfavourite February 20, 2019
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