Kraterd (Pronounced Krah-Turd or Kray-Turd) is when you are high from Kratom. Kratom would give you energy in small doses, but give you initial energy followed by prolonged relaxation, sleepiness, pain reducing or pain killing effects, and a high. Kratom makes you happy, or kraterd. Red vain maeng da is the best as it makes you the most high and sleepy and pain killing effects. Green vain maeng da gives you less of a high, but more energy. White vain maeng da gives you the most energy. The dose range is 3-5g. More than that like 7 or 8 g and you will be even more kratered but a little nauseous. 9+g and you will probably vomit.
Tyler: I chugged 5.2 g of red maeng da powder mixed with warm water.. I'm Kraterd (high off kratom).

Josh: My brother Steve body slammed me and smashed my thumb! What do I do. My thumb hurts.

Tyler: Try these kratom pills. Here's 7 pills. That's 4.2 g of Kratom.

Josh: Thanks. *Takes kratom pills.

*an hour later.

Josh: Hey! The pain is gone. Also, I'm kraterd (high off kratom).
by HawaiianPunch1 February 27, 2023
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